
Showing posts from February, 2024

Living for Today

As we walk through nature what do we see? The trees, the grass, the birds, the insects. We soak in the natural beauty of mother earth. All of the brilliant forms of life every which way we turn. All of these things are here to show us that less is more. The trees don't put effort into growing, they just grow. Caterpillars don't try to turn into butterflies, they just do. The sun and moon rise and fall without any effort. What if we stop being so hard on ourselves and just go with the flow of nature? Allowing ourselves to be at ease. Accepting life for the way things are. Nature is full of energy that is connected by love. The love of each other continuing to live in harmony with one another. Growing together at the roots creating a bond. We as people tend to waste our energy on trying to change things that we cannot. The people around us, our financial status, all for personal gain. If we were to stop chasing happiness and just be happy for the moment that we are in, we will th

Brighter Days Ahead

Our minds are functioning non-stop. The gears in our heads are forever grinding. Running through thoughts, ideas, memories... It's truly our best asset. Allowing each of us to reach incredible achievements. Creating remarkable strides in ways that were once considered impossible. We are just the host body to these powerful works of art. Along for the ride on their journey. Taking us to new heights and levels beyond our wildest dreams. Creating masterpieces that are one of a kind. No two are the same. Each one unique in its own way. Who are we when we don't even know our own capabilities. Our minds do as they please, bringing us joy and sadness all within the same moment. Causing our bodies to sense the feeling of love and hate at the same time. Never doubt for a moment that you are uncapable. We always have the power to improve our mind and spiritual connection to become stronger, better human beings. There is no stopping the force of our nature. We will continue to push forwar

Life is a game of cards

 Life isn't always fair. For most of us, we come feel that way at some point. Whether it's from not getting that promotion you know you deserved, or struggling to make ends meet. But we all were dealt this hand of cards for a reason. The good and the bad. But what if we were capable of swapping them out?  Getting a chance to remove the bad cards for new ones? They could be for the better or the worse, that is the risk... Would you take it? Or would you rather continue on with your original hand?  The ones we look at as bad in our hand is only test cards to see how we overcome these challenges. They were individually crafted for each of us. Some worse than ours, some better. It doesn't have to stay that way. Once we learn to really understand the true meanings and lessons these cards hold, we can begin to figure out the best moves to play, creating a more powerful hand. Letting us put our cards in better order for the win. Only we have the ability to shuffle our own hand. Ev

A womans worth

Why are successful independent women so feared by men? Why do they try to hold us back from becoming even better? It should drive them to want more and better for themselves. Not break us down emotionally, becoming a black cloud over our heads. In this day in age, women have become the bread winner, taking on jobs and responsibilities that used to be strictly men's work. We as woman are capable of much more than waiting on a man to do everything. We are strong, resilient beings with the ability to conquer the world! We have the power to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders while carrying a baby in our body. No man can do that, never has and never will. Stand strong ladies, there are wolves disguised in sheepskin waiting for the opportunity to creep into our lives only for their own benefit, taking from us instead of building with us. Not for love, but for whatever they can get to make themselves feel more of a man. To make us feel less than, to try to break us down emotio

Time for a change

 If you were given the opportunity to change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Would it be your looks, your income, or your job? What if you could change your mind and your thinking process... Would you? I know it sounds crazy but hear me out. When you change how you think, your life can change drastically. Easier said than done and I agree totally. I've been hardheaded my entire life. I've done many things I regret and wish I could go back and change things; I know we all have felt like that at times. What if I told you, it's not too late...You don't have to be stuck in your ways forever. The first step is loving yourself enough to want change. If you don't like the way your life is only you can change that. It starts with more self-love. Taking time for yourself and loving you more than anyone else. No one is saying to not love your family or your children less, but how can you be there for them if you're not there for you? How can you always be doin

Thought of the day...

 As we go through the motions of life do you every take time to think about what makes you really happy? What really makes your spirit smile and shine through?  I'm not talking about having a good day at work or getting paid early. I used to think like that, but there are other things I have discovered over time. I was so consumed with materialistic things in life thinking that was what made me happy. What I have realized is, it is self-gratifying for me helping others. Putting a smile on someone else's face makes my heart smile. This world has become full of selfish greedy people that don't look out for each other anymore. We are living in a dog-eat-dog world and its only getting worse. So, the next time you see someone needing some help whether it's getting something off a high shelf in the store, neighbor struggling with bags, or just walking by you apply yourself and offer a lending hand. See how it makes you feel inside when they smile at you. It's going to bri

A day in the life

 Have you ever wanted to just get away??? Me too… I had that opportunity not long ago, so I jumped on it! I nice ride to NYC for the day sounded like just what I needed. To ease my mind from all the daily stress life brings. And I didn’t have to drive made it even more relaxing!  Everything was going wonderful. Sun was shining, music playing and my feet on the dashboard while I watched the sky out the window. As we came into NY traffic it made me feel so free and full of life. The constant commotion in the streets filled with cars, horns blowing, sounds of the subway, people walking… so much to take in you forget about all your worries for the moment and just breath it all in! Going over the Manhattan Bridge feeling it tremble from the train looking out at the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge was so beautiful at sundown. We parked the car and took a walk just enjoying all there is to offer and just living for the moment. After a few hours we decided to head back before it got