A womans worth

Why are successful independent women so feared by men? Why do they try to hold us back from becoming even better? It should drive them to want more and better for themselves. Not break us down emotionally, becoming a black cloud over our heads. In this day in age, women have become the bread winner, taking on jobs and responsibilities that used to be strictly men's work. We as woman are capable of much more than waiting on a man to do everything. We are strong, resilient beings with the ability to conquer the world! We have the power to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders while carrying a baby in our body. No man can do that, never has and never will. Stand strong ladies, there are wolves disguised in sheepskin waiting for the opportunity to creep into our lives only for their own benefit, taking from us instead of building with us. Not for love, but for whatever they can get to make themselves feel more of a man. To make us feel less than, to try to break us down emotionally, all for their own self-gratification. Be careful who you let in your life. If a man that isn't bringing his half to the table let him go! Real men are out there, it's time to let these babies go back to their mothers. Never carry a grown man along on your success! Love yourself more and never settle for less than what we can do ourselves!


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