Life is a game of cards

 Life isn't always fair. For most of us, we come feel that way at some point. Whether it's from not getting that promotion you know you deserved, or struggling to make ends meet. But we all were dealt this hand of cards for a reason. The good and the bad. But what if we were capable of swapping them out?  Getting a chance to remove the bad cards for new ones? They could be for the better or the worse, that is the risk... Would you take it? Or would you rather continue on with your original hand?  The ones we look at as bad in our hand is only test cards to see how we overcome these challenges. They were individually crafted for each of us. Some worse than ours, some better. It doesn't have to stay that way. Once we learn to really understand the true meanings and lessons these cards hold, we can begin to figure out the best moves to play, creating a more powerful hand. Letting us put our cards in better order for the win. Only we have the ability to shuffle our own hand. Even if we feel every card has been bad, it's time to trade them in as we overcome the baren of them. Allowing us to think outside the box and push through those hard times of those bad cards.  Brighter days will come after the storm passes. We will be amazed at how things in life can change. Making us more self-aware of our own capabilities and inner strength. We will begin to realize we are more powerful than we think. We begin taking on new challenges to continue that fire inside us. Our will to succeed. Making it easier for us to move onto any other bad cards and conquering them with ease because we will be more in tune our personal strength. Never doubt what the mind is capable of. It can take us to a whole different mindset before we know it. So don't let the bad cards hold us back or keep us down. No, we thrive from self-achievements. It feeds our ego and boosts our self-esteem. The next time we are faced with a bad card, we need to throw it in that inner fire. Pushing us more showing ourselves how strong and resilient we are. Not for the world to see, but for us, our self-pride. We are in control, and we got this!!!! 


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