Thought of the day...

 As we go through the motions of life do you every take time to think about what makes you really happy? What really makes your spirit smile and shine through?  I'm not talking about having a good day at work or getting paid early. I used to think like that, but there are other things I have discovered over time. I was so consumed with materialistic things in life thinking that was what made me happy. What I have realized is, it is self-gratifying for me helping others. Putting a smile on someone else's face makes my heart smile. This world has become full of selfish greedy people that don't look out for each other anymore. We are living in a dog-eat-dog world and its only getting worse. So, the next time you see someone needing some help whether it's getting something off a high shelf in the store, neighbor struggling with bags, or just walking by you apply yourself and offer a lending hand. See how it makes you feel inside when they smile at you. It's going to brighten your day and make you feel better about yourself. You never know what the next person might be going through, you never know you may end up saving someone's life! Maybe even your own! 


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