A day in the life

 Have you ever wanted to just get away??? Me too… I had that opportunity not long ago, so I jumped on it! I nice ride to NYC for the day sounded like just what I needed. To ease my mind from all the daily stress life brings. And I didn’t have to drive made it even more relaxing! 

Everything was going wonderful. Sun was shining, music playing and my feet on the dashboard while I watched the sky out the window. As we came into NY traffic it made me feel so free and full of life. The constant commotion in the streets filled with cars, horns blowing, sounds of the subway, people walking… so much to take in you forget about all your worries for the moment and just breath it all in! Going over the Manhattan Bridge feeling it tremble from the train looking out at the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge was so beautiful at sundown. We parked the car and took a walk just enjoying all there is to offer and just living for the moment. After a few hours we decided to head back before it got late. We stopped at a local street cart food vendor and bought a gyro and were on our way. Back through the restless traffic of the yellow taxis and police directing traffic on Canal Street to the Holland Tunnel. Passing all the foot tourists looking up at all the buildings and purchasing souvenirs from every corner. It was so great to clear my head for the day and refocus my thoughts. It’s going to be a smooth ride home and I was feeling on top of the world! We stopped at first gas station to fuel up and BAM! That’s when it all changed…

I hop out to use the restroom quickly and come outside to my ride nowhere to be seen!!! It was like walking into a brick wall. At first, I was thinking ok maybe they had to move car, so I walked around to the side and nope, nothing! I was so confused then I went into thinking maybe it’s a joke and they went around the block. And mind you my phone, jacket and purse were all in the car. My mind was in so many places at once I couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. All I knew was I was standing outside in the cold without a dollar in my pocket or a phone to even call anyone for help! And in Jersey City, NJ. What do I do from here?!? And why would someone just leave me like this and take all my belongings?!? My brain went from so relaxed to stress level 1000 in the blink of an eye!

I ended up going to the gas station tender and asked to use a phone and they refused to let me use it. And to make matters worse I don’t know anyone’s phone number to even call but my own. I ended up standing in the cold shivering hoping they would come back…I needed answers to why the hell this just happened! After asking several random strangers to use their phone to try and call my own phone I got lucky. A man was approaching the store and asked if I had a lighter and my reply was yeah, if you have a phone I can use! He looked at me kind of weird but agreed thank God! He must have seen the stress on my face because he asked if I was ok. I gave him a short summary of how I just got left at the gas station and all my belongings are in that car. I tried calling my phone several times but of course no one answered. He mentioned he was going to Brooklyn, so I asked if it was possible, I could ride with him. Very risky I know but what else was I to do? I know no one in NJ and I couldn’t just stand at a gas station. I do know people in Brooklyn, so he agreed to take me there. I repeatedly thanked him for the ride while I was praying, I didn’t get kidnapped by this random stranger I just got in a car with…I was still in this state of shock and couldn’t believe I was going back into NYC after I just left!

The ride was quiet back through the Tunnel and as we drove back the same route, I just took it really sunk in that I was left for dead in the cold with absolutely nothing! Boy did that burn me. By now it was 1:30 a.m. and when I told him where I needed to go, he looked at me and said, “you sure you’ll be safe in that neighborhood?” What other choice did I have? It was bad enough I’m just showing up unannounced at this hour. He offered for me to go to his house for the night and he’d help me sort it out in the morning. Yep, I’m dead, that’s all I kept thinking when he said that. My kids or anyone will know what happened to me because I didn’t even announce to anyone that I was leaving town! I never felt so alone and scared in my life! To his house is where we went…

I had no idea what I was going to be walking into, but it was happening. My head still spinning with thoughts he opened the door to a warm clean place with no one else there luckily. He immediately offered this bathroom if I needed to use it and asked if I was hungry. Still not sure how to take this stranger I thanked him, but I had absolutely no appetite after what just happened. I didn’t know how I was going to sleep with my mind racing the way it was. He then goes in a bedroom and I’m thinking great he’s going to come out with a rope or something. But he came out with a shirt and sweats offering them to me if I wanted to shower and warm up. I definitely wasn’t trying to jump in someone’s shower when my life just crumbled in front of me. I thanked him again but said no thanks. He then opens the same bedroom door and tells me I can at least change out of my street clothes and lay down. Mind you I was still in stranger danger mode and my guard was up. I was still shaking from the cold and anxiety, but I knew I needed rest. So, I put on his extra-large clothes, and it did feel good to get out of my jeans and sneakers I had on. He then knocks on door to see if I was done changing and asked if there was anything I needed from the store. I said no and thought wait…he’s leaving me in his house?!? I sat on the bed and leaned back. It felt so good to be inside a house and out of the cold. He returned and had bought me food, a bottle of water, and a toothbrush! I was so surprised at this random stranger's kindness; it was helping my calm my nerves big time. He came in room and handed me the tv remote and said find whatever you want to watch and try to eat something. As I opened the food he asked if I mind him staying in room with me. It was his place so who was I to say no. And honestly, I didn’t want to be alone after all I just went through. He got us a plate of West Indian food that was amazing by the way, and we started talking getting more comfortable around each other. After he offered me some tequila to help me relax and get some sleep. I agreed and did a double shot! So, it looked like we were sleeping on same bed and that was frightening. I finally laid down and he gave me my own blanket and reassured me that I was going to be ok. My emotions got the best of me, and I started getting teary eyed. He must have heard me because next thing I knew he was patting my back consoling me. 

I wake up not even knowing what time it is or where exactly I was for that matter. We were cuddled like lovers, and I don’t even know this man. He woke up and says, “good morning beautiful I hope you slept well”. That made me smile for the first time since I walked into that brick wall in NJ. I immediately ask to use his phone to try my phone number 1 more time. And lo and behold someone answered it! I immediately thought it was who I was with, but it wasn’t. It was someone saying that someone had dropped my belongings off at a gas station that were left in a cab! A cab? Like what is happening…my new friend agreed to take me back to NJ to get my things. What I relief but that just left me with more questions. Like why did my ride do that?!? They really pulled off on me then had the nerve to drop my stuff off later. On the way there he again offered to feed me, and I agreed knowing I had a long day ahead of me. When we arrive at the same gas station, we met I went in and there was my purse, phone and jacket! I immediately look to see that my wallet and money are in there. Of course they weren’t! How was I supposed to get home with no money. I start frantically calling a few people, but they all live hours away so asking for someone to come get me was a lot. He asks me what my plan is, and I had no idea at that moment in time…I was mentally stuck on how I got left and robbed by someone I trusted. He then offers to take me to Port Authority and buy me a bud ticket home. I must have thanked him a million times for everything he did for me. As we pulled up, he handed me some cash for ticket and his phone number so I can let him know I made it home safe.

I am so grateful for all of his kindness and help. I thought I was going to freeze to death stuck in NJ and I was sent an Angel to rescue me! There are still good people in this world, and I am so glad to of met him. We still keep in touch to this day and are good friends. No one will ever understand how appreciative I am for him. But when good people come into your life keep them!


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