Living for Today

As we walk through nature what do we see? The trees, the grass, the birds, the insects. We soak in the natural beauty of mother earth. All of the brilliant forms of life every which way we turn. All of these things are here to show us that less is more. The trees don't put effort into growing, they just grow. Caterpillars don't try to turn into butterflies, they just do. The sun and moon rise and fall without any effort. What if we stop being so hard on ourselves and just go with the flow of nature? Allowing ourselves to be at ease. Accepting life for the way things are. Nature is full of energy that is connected by love. The love of each other continuing to live in harmony with one another. Growing together at the roots creating a bond. We as people tend to waste our energy on trying to change things that we cannot. The people around us, our financial status, all for personal gain. If we were to stop chasing happiness and just be happy for the moment that we are in, we will then accumulate inner peace and gain energy. We can learn to channel that energy into anything we want. First, we must earn to accept things for the way they are. The people, places and things as they are, not as we wish they were right now. Everything has its reason for being exactly how it is at this moment. Fighting it is like trying to get the earth to rotate backwards. We waste our energy going against the universe. We must learn to accept things for the way we are. Even though it may not be as we planned. Learning to take responsibility for our own actions that have caused all of our situations that we see as problems. Not blaming others or ourselves, just accept it as it is. Each problem we face is an opportunity for us to take on that moment and transform it into a better situation. Once we learn this every bad situation, we face becomes a chance for us to recreate it into something better. Each obstacle we come across in life becomes a learning lesson. Relationships that we are involved in at this moment are all for a reason. They are what we need to teach us. We all learn and grow from it. Refocusing our energy on turning the worst situations into positive ones. Becoming stronger and stronger while our roots deepen in the universe. Everything happens for a reason as part of our own personal growth. Then will come the point of letting our guard down and stop trying to get others to see things from only our point of view. When we stop fighting and resisting, we will gain tremendous energy and experience the gift of the present. As we embrace the now, we begin to feel the weight lifted off of our shoulders and our hearts. Life will begin to flow with effortlessness and ease.  Our dreams and desires start blooming into reality. Coming in tune with the universe, reminding ourselves this moment is as it should be. 


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