Time for a change

 If you were given the opportunity to change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Would it be your looks, your income, or your job? What if you could change your mind and your thinking process... Would you? I know it sounds crazy but hear me out. When you change how you think, your life can change drastically. Easier said than done and I agree totally. I've been hardheaded my entire life. I've done many things I regret and wish I could go back and change things; I know we all have felt like that at times. What if I told you, it's not too late...You don't have to be stuck in your ways forever. The first step is loving yourself enough to want change. If you don't like the way your life is only you can change that. It starts with more self-love. Taking time for yourself and loving you more than anyone else. No one is saying to not love your family or your children less, but how can you be there for them if you're not there for you? How can you always be doing for others and slacking on being there for yourself? Sooner than later, you're going to get burnt out and be miserable. We all need to love ourselves more and that's what makes us better as human beings. Try starting each day with some self-affirmations. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are strong, determined, beautiful...Or write a list of all your qualities then keep adding to it, make sticky notes and hang them where you'll constantly see them. We get so preoccupied in daily life we forget to make time for ourselves. And no one is going to be there for you if you're not the first in line. Don't lose focus on yourself with all of life's distractions. We need to show this world we are who they think we aren't...Strong resilient beings who can conquer anything life puts on our plate. And it's not to impress anyone but ourselves. Sometimes we lose focus on who we are and just settle for what's in front of us. We have to choose to apply ourselves and keep pushing forward. When everyone is looking at us like a failure don't say f@#$ it... Show them that you got this! Make them realize they underestimated you and prove them wrong... who do we have if we don't have ourselves first!?! I'm offering these words to anyone going through tough times or self-doubt. We were put here for a reason and were still breathing because we aren't going out without a fight! Build yourself up strong before the world tries to break us down...Let us make our mark in this world and show them how we got this! Be bold, speak your mind and never settle! And always remember, no one has your back more than you do! Stick your chest out and keep your head up!


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